Thursday, October 29, 2009

Science makes Telekinesis possbile!

Telekinesis, made popular by Sylar (Heroes) and Jeane Grey ( X-Men), is the ability to move objects without physical contact, using power of mind. This ability has appeared in various fables in a wide time horizon, ranging from the ancient sagas to the modern Sci-Fi thrillers. In the ancient texts, the source of this power emanates from a stronger psychic power, developed through meditation, focus etc. , whereas the modern flicks take help of modern technology or DNA mutations! Fantasies aside, is telekinesis actually possible? Will we able to actually move objects without any physical contact?(Hey, using an air blower is NOT an answer!) Well, this may be possible in not so distant future, thanks to developments in particle physics.

The premise for this expectation is the way in which particles interact in the nature. Any science student would know that there 4 basic forces in nature i) Strong, ii)Weak, iii)Electromagentic and iv) Gravitational forces. For this discussion, let us focus on the Electromagnetic and Gravitational forces. Electromagentic(EM) forces, defined as the force between all particles having an electric charge, is theoretically a long range force(but diminishes after 1m or so) which is responsible for the things we take for granted, such as static, friction, magnetism etc. Similarly, gravitational force, a more popular one thanks to Newton & the apple incident, is a long range force which attracts two bodies together. Whereas EM force is stronger on atomic scale, gravitational force is negligible in the atomic range and becomes significant only when the bodies approach huge sizes.

But how exactly do these two forces, forming the core of physics, relate to the esoteric field of telekinesis? Well, from a scientific viewpoint, what telekinesis does is tweaking the attractive/repulsive forces, in order to set the target object in a state of motion in the desired direction. So, in order to do telekinesis, what one has to do is to employ the forces in proper direction and magnitude. Hmmm, now telekinesis does not seem to be much of esoteric stuff than a push-pull phenomenon! An 'attractive' feature of electromagnetic forces is that, whenever a body attains a specific charge, it 'forces' its adjoining body to acquire the opposite charge, and voilĂ , the opposites attract! Therefore, by careful manipulation of EM charges, one can easily (maybe not that easily) attract the other body(gosh, only if it were applicable in case of humans too; blame the 'ability to think'). Also, likes repel(maybe this is the particle science version of jealousy). So, inducing like charges on adjoining surfaces can also bring about the repulsion, or in layman terms, the throwing-away effect.

Ok, sounds good till here, but the given the fact that EM forces, unlike light, do not traverse a straight path, how do you intend to point-and-shoot a body to attract/repel it? Well, a sound argument indeed!Wait, wait, did you say sound? Sound also travels like the EM waves, not in a straight path. Oh yes, thankfully, acoustic science is very advanced and scientists have already found out means to channelise sound in a linear path, much like light! In the technique pioneered by some Chinese scientists (apologies for not remembering their names; had read about this way back in my 11th) and then taken forward by some defence contractors (once saw the demonstration in Discovery Channel), the sound waves have been tamed and tricked into following a straight path so that point-and-shout is actually possible. Hmmm, so could this be directly employed for EM forces? The issue is that sound, as we perceive, is in fact just some pressure variations in a fluid (hence no sound in vacuum), and EM forces is entirely a different ball game; but this work does give some leads into the direction to ponder.

So far so good; moving objects without contact maybe possible one day. But telekinesis meant moving objects using will power, and not using any dials or instruments. Science buffs may argue that this definition is by, to and for the ones with an esoteric bend. Nevertheless, Science, the wonderful babe she is, offers a solution for this too. Like the stereotypical Peruvians, here comes Neuroscience! Neurology, often, and unfortunately, semantically confused with nephrology, is the science which studies the brain cells(the neurons). The most sophisticated organ in your body, your brain functions using numerous chemicals and electrical impulses,latter being the faster means of communication; and it is this electrical impulse, which has helped us in various diagnostic methods, brain mapping, neuro marketing etc. With a fairly advanced capturing technology, it is possible to capture the brain waves (alpha, beta, zeta, gamma and maybe some new ones) and with some good old precise calibration, one day it may be possible to directly translate the thoughts into electrical signals. Far fetched it may seem, but the technology is already in function, albeit in a limited and a primordial level. So, marrying these two futuristic technologies, Telekinesis do not seem so far away! Well initially, the telekinetic contraption to lift a pen may be a giant MRI sort of machine, but everyone knows the story of ENIAC-to-Nanochips! So, Jeffie thinks Science makes telekinesis possible.

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